6/28 Juneau, Alaska (Glacier)

Juneau, from the docks

We weren't around long enouogh to figure out how to get on the tram or where it went!

That's right, a trolley

The weather at Mendenhall Glacier

These strap on over shoes so you can walk on the glacier

And we thought Josh was tall!

Our transportation to the glacier

Mendenhall glacier, Mendenhall lake in front of it and Juneau (bottom right)

Close-up of part of the glacier

Overview of the path

You can see how blue the puddles are

More blue puddles

Our landing area

Little streams though the cracks going down to Mendenhall Lake

Again, hard to describe how blue this was

Looking up to a higher part of the glacier

Josh drinks fresh (and freezing) glacier water

On the glacier

This was here when we got there

Josh doing his part to hold up the glacier

Stacy in an expanse of white and blue
